1. Impotence Cures - Can Exercise Really Cure Increase Libido and Boost Circulation?
There has been a lot of talk about impotence cures lately. Millions of men are tossing their impotence medication because of severe side effects associated with them. Many men don't want to take the risk of losing their eyesight or hearing because of strokes caused by the colorful pills.
And these millions of men are switching to simple impotence cures which can boost circulation and increase libido. And one thing thousands of men are trying to do is exercise.
But is exercise really going to help you in the bedroom?
Exercise and Your Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction, also called impotence, is no longer taboo to talk about. You see advertisements everywhere for the male dysfunction that plagues millions of men. But what is the problem caused from? Is this dysfunction common to all men?
Erectile dysfunctions are typically a physical problem caused by poor circulation. To achieve an erection, the member needs both an adequate inflow of blood and a slowing of blood outflow. And you can do this with simple exercises, breathing tips and various ways to keep your arteries open. Many of the simplest habits you have formed over the years could be having a positive or negative effect on your impotence problem.
Exercise is obviously beneficial to your overall health. There are well over a thousand benefits of exercising and curing impotence is one of them.
Fact! Men who exercise 3-5 hours a week have a 30% less risk of having an erectile dysfunction (impotence) according to a Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study.
But what exercises are the most beneficial ones?
How to Cure Impotence Naturally
Men who wish to cure impotence naturally must take their cardiovascular system serious. Because the cardio system is responsible for adequate circulation and heart health, it is also responsible for proper erectile functioning.
Fact! Men who exercise regularly will be 10 more years free of having an erectile dysfunction than an average man.
Therefore, any exercise that generates a sweat and gets the heart pumping is beneficial for your sex life, circulation and reducing heart disease. And you can do this with exercises like walking, jogging, running, biking, rowing or an elliptical machine. Besides boosting circulation levels, these exercises also help reduce stress.
Be generating a sweat, you can naturally lower anxiety, fend off depression, and help improve your self-esteem. All quality relaxation programs involve exercise as a stress-reliever. Many programs recommend at least 20-30 minutes of exercise a day.
One helpful tip is to always make sure you exercise for more than 20 minutes to establish a 'runner's high'. Most people exercise for 15 minutes and call it good. Though helpful, this only leaves the person tired and doesn't give enough time for the endorphins to kick in. (Endorphins are responsible for the 'good' or 'high' feelings after you exercise.)
What Else Can You Do?
Did you know that most impotence sufferers are deficient of certain vitamins and minerals? Do you know what foods you should stay away from? Do you know why so many people are making a fist before they eat?
If you are interested in curing your erectile dysfunction naturally in hours, please visit our Impotence Cures website. We offer the only 100% guaranteed Impotence Remedy Report that is step by step, researched based and gives you 40+ pages of information you should know about curing impotence. If you are not satisfied with our remedy, you can have it free with a complete refund! Get yours today!
2. Natural Treatments For An Enlarged Prostate
There are a number of natural and alternative treatments for the problem of an enlarged prostate and two of these are the use of pumpkin seeds and saw palmetto.
Odd as it might seem, pumpkin seeds have a number of healing properties and they have been found to be especially effective for many man suffering from an enlarged prostate. Pumpkin seed have three properties which are particularly useful in this case.
The first is that pumpkin seeds contain fatty oil that acts as a natural diuretic and helps to improve urine flow and counter the restrictive effect of an enlarged prostate gland on the urethra.
The second property of pumpkin seeds is that they contain high levels of zinc so that a half a cup of seeds contains about eight milligrams of zinc. Studies have clearly shown that taking zinc can literally reduce the size of an enlarged prostate and many doctors recommend taking sixty milligrams a day in order to combat benign prostatic hypertrophy (an enlarged prostate). Care should be taken though and it is a good idea to talk to your doctor before raising your zinc intake to this level as it is above the normally recommended daily level.
The third benefit of pumpkin seeds is that they are high in animo acids such as alanine, glycerine and glutamic acid, all of which have again been shown to provide significant symptomatic relief.
Saw palmetto is also widely used for prostrate problems. Found in the southeastern states, saw palmetto is a small palm tree the seeds of which formed an important part of the diet of Seminole Indians.
Saw palmetto works by turning testosterone into dihyrotestosterone which is precisely the process used in Proscar, which is one of the very few over-the-counter treatments approved for prostate problems by the Food and Drug Administration. Its essential benefit is that it increases urinary flow, reduces the problem of residual urine and, as a consequence of both, also lessens the frequency of urination.
As with most natural treatments opinions vary widely as to the effectiveness of saw palmetto, but there have been a number of studies carried out over the years which have clearly shown that it does produce a significant benefit. In one study, a clinical study involving more than two thousand men in Germany suffering from benign prostatic hypertrophy, a daily dose of just one or two grams of saw palmetto seeds produced a substantial easing of symptoms.
These are of course just two of the many alternative cures available but there is no doubt that these and similar natural treatments can and do work. Just as an example, it is thought that about thirty percent of American men suffer from an undiagnosed prostate cancer by the time they reach the age of sixty compared to just one percent of Artic Inuit men at the same age. There may of course be several reasons for this enormous difference, but one difference which most doctors consider to be very significant is simply the fact the diet of Artic Inuit men is high in fish oil.
So, if you are suffering from an enlarged prostate then, before you turn to your doctor for treatment, you may find that simply adjusting your diet and looking at your intake of various vitamins and minerals may be all that is needed.
3.Tips for Stronger Orgasms
Do you want to experience stronger orgasms? Here are four tips than will increase your sexual pleasure. You probably already know the first two, but the last couple are more unusual, so keep reading!
EXERCISE: Hate to exercise? What if I told you that exercise makes your erections and orgasms more powerful? In a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, scientists concluded that men who engaged in daily physical activity had a 30 percent lower chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction than the men who never exercised.
Physical exertion helps blood flow more easily through your body. This helps you stay erect longer. And the longer you stay erect the stronger your orgasm.
EAT HEALTHY FOOD: Food that's good for you is also good for your erection strength. Try to eat lot of lean meats, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Just like exercise, healthy food is good for your blood circulation. Getting that blood flowing is crucial for good sex.
KEGEL EXERCISES: These aren't just for women! You will positively, absolutely have stronger orgasms if you do these exercises. Kegels strengthen your pelvic muscles, which you use when you orgasm. The easiest way to find out how to do a kegel exercise is to pretend to stop the flow of urine midstream. That contraction is a kegel exercise. Some men do hundreds of these a day. But even if you just spend a couple of minutes a day contracting and releasing these muscles, you'll really notice stronger orgasms.
TAKE AN HERBAL SUPPLEMENT: I hate to break it to you, but did you know that your erections are gradually weakening? It's pretty much downhill once your teenage years are over. And it really starts to drop after age 30 or so. That's because your body produces less and less testosterone as you age.
Men have been trying to slow this process down (or even reverse it!) since ancient times. They discovered that certain plants contained chemical compounds that actually increased a man's ability to produce testosterone. Other herbs helped blood flow. And some herbs helped men stay hard for longer periods of time.
If you're going to try an herbal supplement, you must get one that uses very pure herbs. That's key. The herbal medicine field is totally unregulated, so it's simple for dishonest merchants to take advantage of customers. Some companies are honest, however, and do deliver a first rate product. Find an herbal manufacturer that's been around for a long time and remains popular. That's usually means there are lots of happy customers.
Follow my advice and you'll experience harder erections and stronger orgasms. In fact, you'll probably be a healthier person overall!
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