Almost any business, on the Net or not, can benefit from using the ACH system to electronically move money. Here are the top 5 reasons why:
1) Accepting checks via your web site.
Everyone knows you have to accept credit cards to succeed online. The problem for many consumers is that they either don't have a credit card or are at their
Credit limit. The good news is that the vast majority of these consumers have a checking or savings account? That you can access for payment.
Using ACH processing allows you to accept payment from a checking or savings account electronically. Funds Are debited from the customer and credited to the
Business owner. Issues such as bounced checks or closed accounts can be addressed through a combination of fraud screening and collection tools. This includes
the ability to verify in real time that the account number the customer uses is valid and that there is money in the account.
There are many providers. Pay Pal, is perhaps the best known. There are more economical options available. The processor you elect to use
Should have experience, a client list and easy to use web site integration tools.
ACH processing can be much less expensive than credit cards. On a typical $100 transaction you could pay $2.75 or more for a credit card as opposed to .35 or
less for an electronic check with no discount rate.
Using ACH processing can also save a great deal of money if you receive an NSF (non-sufficient funds) check. Depending on what your bank currently charges
you can save 90% or more.
2) Accepting checks via phone.
NACHA the governing body of electronic transactions now allows a business to electronically debit a consumers account for payment taken by phone. Similar savings to web
transactions are possible. You can offer a new payment vehicle to your customers and cut costs. Verification services can reduce fraud and the charge back window
compared to credit cards is shorter.
3) Recurring payments.
If your site collects a monthly fee from consumers or businesses and you only use credit cards you are both paying too much and losing a significant percentage of
users who would pay electronically via ACH.
4) Electronic pay-outs.
If you pay affiliates by mailing checks you could be electronically crediting their account. No postage or invoice costs. Automation of payments is possible.
You can also pay employees and vendors via ACH.
5) Processing mailed payments.
Your bank probably charges between $10-$20 for returned checks. You can convert these paper checks to electronic transactions and get your money faster,
avoid expensive returns and trips to your bank.
These are 5 solid reasons your business needs ACH processing. The bottom line is that it can save you time and money while offering customers a payment
Partner with a reputable ACH processor and you can enjoy the multiple benefits of ACH payment processing. These include reduced costs and time as well as
automating manual tasks.
*ACH refers to the Automated Clearing House and generically means money moves electronically.
Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Business Processing.
II.Why English for Global Business?
Economic, demographic, and cultural changes have driven the establishment of English as the world’s primary language for international communication over other languages such as Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese, French, and German.
In part this is due to the massive influence of The Internet which has made the world smaller and more accessible. Since English is the main Internet language, increased Internet usage means an increasing demand for English.
According to David Graddol in the British Council Publication called “English Next” (http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-research-english-next.pdf), the number of people learning English is likely to reach a peak of around 2 billion in the next 10 to 15 years, with a significant increase coming from Chinese students, estimated now at around 250 million English learners, increasing of about 20 million per year.
Despite the extraordinary changes of the last few years, one thing appears certain. More people than ever want to learn English. But, as a news headline, that’s not much of a story. We’ve all heard about the growing popularity of English around the world.
Far from being news, it has become one of the few enduring facts of global modern life – a trend that began in the late 19th century when English was heralded, from Europe to Japan, as the new rising world language.
Here’s an excerpt from an economic development brochure put out by the Hong King government (emphasis mine).
With a population of seven million, Hong Kong is a busy and energetic international metropolis. A friendly and accessible city, Hong Kong thrives on its strong work ethic and can-do attitude.
Hong Kong boasts a well-educated workforce, with almost half of all students attending universities at home or abroad. This local pool of experienced and entrepreneurial talent offers an essential mix of international market savvy with an appreciation of the business culture in the fast-growing Mainland cities, and across Asia.
In offices and boardrooms, English is the usual language of business, while many in Hong Kong speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin, providing another vital link to business with Mainland China markets and consumers. Hong Kong’s local pool of talent offers an essential mix of international market savvy with an appreciation of the business culture in Mainland China.
• Multi-lingual workforce – English is the language of business
• Highly trained, flexible and motivated population
• Experienced in travelling and working in Mainland China and throughout the region
• Familiar with the latest international business practices
• Strong work ethic – industrial action extremely rare
Welcome to Hong Kong, Asia’s Business Capital. Invest HK.
When the number of English speakers is used to lure investors, it is certain that English has “currency”, it has value, it can be monetized, and it is the fastest way to global business success.
III. Internal and External Communication Approaches for Business
So you are a business owner and you want to know how you will be able to expand your business. One of the most important things in the world of business is to trigger off great relationships with other enterprises so that you earn a name in the business. In order to establish a reputation in the business world, you need to have a great business communication strategy. Business communication can essentially be divided into internal and external communication.
Things like establishing a brand, marketing your products and services, advertising, working on things like public relations, media management and even business dealings with customers or other business firms fall in the category of external business communication.
As for internal business communication, things like building up the ideals of your company, setting certain guidelines that you expect to follow in your business, carving out strategy and goals to ensure success, keeping your employees inspired and egging on all those involved in your business falls into the category of internal business communication.
All the things mentioned above contribute to the betterment of your business prospects. Be it internal business communication or external business communication, it ultimately contributes to the growth of your business. Thus, business communication is an integral aspect of your business that will help you go ahead and establish yourself.
When it comes to business communication, or for that matter, any aspect of the business, the most important thing is the customer. You need to ensure that you deliver what the customer wants. Even when it comes to things like marketing or advertising, you need to show what the customer appreciates and likes. Different customers accept different kinds of marketing. It all depends on you to ensure that via business communication, you are able to cater to the choices of a wide range of people. If you are able to master the art of impressing many people by various means, you will be able to take your business to the top.
However, merely enticing your customer by showing them certain things is not good business. Good business means getting a quality product together and then marketing for it wisely so that people accept it. Just promising your customers a lot and then delivering nothing will only get your business into a soup. So gauge your products and services and then embark upon advertising and marketing. Internal business communication is the key to get all your people together and then inspiring them to deliver the best.
If you want to create a world class product, the first thing that you need to do is believe in yourself. This is where internal business communication comes in. It helps you get all your employees together and tell them that you can pull it off with élan. If there is a lot of positive thinking and bursting enthusiasm in your camp, the good spirit will show in your product. Your employees are an integral part of the company, so keeping them happy and making them believe in the company and themselves is very important.
Business communication is a very important aspect of your business and you need to take great care in improving your communication strategy so that your business keeps booming!
IV.Mom Balances Home Based Business and Family
Keeping Focused While Working From Home
I used to wonder how others did it; keeping focused to enable them to work from home. What I have discovered, are five steps, or tools, that can be applied on a daily basis to develop a solid career sitting at my own desk in my home. These tools, along with an exceptional marketing system and company with which to partner, have me on a pathway headed straight for success.
The most important aspect to address whenever starting any endeavor is identifying your 'WHY'. That is your deep sense of purpose, the reason you are doing a particular activity. This is your time to dream big and start envisioning it and believing you will achieve it. Letting go of any feelings of guilt regarding gaining wealth or giving up hours with the children needs to take place as well. You will be able to schedule around that and have the most productive hours of work time take place during your children's quiet time.
As a mom with three young children (ages 7, 4, and 7 months), a husband, and a home, I have realized, it is all about balance and having a positive attitude. Most days begin with the whirlwind of getting ready for school and making breakfast. I have found if I begin that day with 15 minutes of working time, I never feel the urgency to 'get to work'. During that time, I answer emails that came in from the night before and check all of my lead generating media. That allows me to start formulating my plan for the day in my head.
The most important time of the day for me is my "Golden Hour". There are no interruptions during this time and I only perform income producing activities. These may be answering leads, placing ads, or writing articles. I have prearranged a number of friends on a rotation to play with my infant son, of which most of this time he is napping. I make sure I am not busying myself with the many other household tasks that can stare me in the face, such as doing the dishes and laundry. My coffee is already made by this time as well.
There are times I need to work with my children around me. Nap times can be very productive times of the day for me. Again, it is all about balance, timing, and pre-planning. I will let my daughters know what I am doing and why (saving for Disney trip or planning for college). If I need to make a phone call or am expecting a phone call, I tell them of that and then make sure they have no immediate needs. When I am finished with a call, I will let them know I am accessible again. It also helps to have a special hand signal that is only used to symbolize, "Quiet please, Mommy is working on the phone."
Personal development is an important part of achieving success as an independent business owner. This can be in the nature of books, movies, and/or affirmations. I read or listen to books while exercising on a bike or treadmill. Keep books on tape to listen to in the car while waiting to pick kids up from school or activities. It is very effective to record yourself speaking positively into a recorder and setting those words to your favorite music.
One of the most important pieces of gaining success at home is to have a support team of other business entrepreneurs. These people should be as successful as you and some should be more so. This team approach allows you to learn from others and mastermind together. Gaining confidence in your own abilities is also of key importance.
Following a five step plan on a daily basis will allow you to work from home and carry on a busy schedule. These steps include setting a schedule for tasks such as daily visualization of your goals, participating in income producing activities, personal development, surrounding yourself with other leaders, and having confidence you are a leader in your own right. This is what you need to steer yourself on the path of success and wealth, while keeping yourself at home with your family.
A practical guide from a mom who is steering her own path to a successful business and a balanced home and family life...
The most important aspect to address whenever starting any endeavor is identifying your 'WHY'. The reason you are engaged in a particular business is in fact, your deep sense of purpose. This is your time to dream big and start envisioning it and believing you will achieve it. Letting go of any feelings of guilt regarding gaining wealth or giving up hours with the children needs to take place as well. You will be able to schedule around that and have the most productive hours of work time take place during your children's quiet time.
As a mom with three young children (ages 7, 4, and 7 months), a husband, and a home, I have realized, it is all about balance and having a positive attitude. Most days begin with the whirlwind of getting ready for school and making breakfast. I have found if I begin that day with 15 minutes of working time, I never feel the urgency to 'get to work'. I choose to view and answer emails at that time and I review and organize my generated leads. That allows me to start formulating my plan for the day in my head.
The most important time of the day for me is my "Golden Hour". I allow no interruptions during this period and I focus my energy solely on actions that generate revenue. The activities in my business model allow me to network, source viable options, and share my success with others. I have prearranged a number of friends on a rotation to play with my infant son, of which most of this time he is napping. Household tasks can easily distract me, so I leave the dishes and ignore the laundry until I am finished with my income producing activity. My coffee is already made by this time as well.
There are times I need to work with my children around me. Nap times can be very productive times of the day for me. Again, it is all about balance, timing, and pre-planning. I will let my daughters know what I am doing and why (saving for Disney trip or planning for college). If I need to make a phone call or am expecting a phone call, I tell them of that and then make sure they have no immediate needs. When I am finished with a call, I will let them know I am accessible again. It also helps to have a special hand signal that is only used to symbolize, "Quiet please, Mommy is working on the phone."
Personal development is an important part of achieving success as an independent business owner. This can be in the nature of books, movies, and/or affirmations. I read or listen to books while exercising on a bike or treadmill. Keep books on tape to listen to in the car while waiting to pick kids up from school or activities. It is very effective to record yourself speaking positively into a recorder and setting those words to your favorite music.
One of the most important pieces of gaining success at home is to have a support team of other business entrepreneurs. These people should be as successful as you and some should be more so. Masterminding with my team encourages me to gain better understanding from others. Gaining confidence in your own abilities is also of key importance.
Following a five step plan on a daily basis will allow you to work from home and carry on a busy schedule. These steps include setting a schedule for tasks such as daily visualization of your goals, participating in income producing activities, personal development, surrounding yourself with other leaders, and having confidence you are a leader in your own right. In order to keep yourself at home with your family you will need to steer yourself down the path of success and wealth.
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